Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Sumpah serapah keluar dari lidah duniawi sy ketika perlakuan beberapa tim medis di Jakarta saat membandingkan reaksi mereka akan konsultasi 2 pasien di lokasi kerja dengan luka yang sama akibat kecelakaan kerja. Yg beda, satu penduduk lokal bekerja sebagai pemotong rumput sementara satunya lagi bule bekerja sebagai manager.

Coba bandingkan jawaban tim medis di kantor pusat terhadap kedua pasien tersebut:

Pasien A (bule, site manager, luka laserasi di telapak tangan kanan):
1. Please advise your site location and also you phone number, our doctor wish to speak with you for patient's condition.
2. Wash wound with 2 liters of either sterile water or bottled water, explore the wound carefully and tell me if you see any tendons, bones, or any foreign bodies-? Take a picture of the wound spread open and send to me. Make sure you test the complete function of the hand and all the fingers and nerves, send us your report. Remove foreign bodies if loose in wound. I need a full formal report of a hand injury- call me. Don't close the wound- put saline quaze loosly in wound, remove tomorrow, clean with sterile saline and report back ASAP either by calling us tonight ASAP or tomorrow when communication availble. The plan is if the wound is superficial - we can do care by you- if we think deeper or needs surgeon he will need evac- for tonight- clean wound as above, don't close and give Augmentin if not allergic.
3. Please keep us update within 24hrs as per CD advise.
4. Please update us the current condition of Mr. CH and if possible send us the newest picture of the patient's wound condition.
5. Pls advised us when patient return to his home country.Pls also advised patient to get treatment when he return to his home country.
6. If there is any concern about the wound, we could get him reviewed while he is in Singapore next week. Could we have the contact number for the patient so that I could speak to him directly?

Pasien B (karyawan lokal, tukang potong rumput, luka laserasi di jari kelingking tangan kanan):
1. Hi James, thank you for the report. Appreciate to keep the procedure being maintained onsite. Have a nice day. Regards, CD

Ironis! Pelayanan medis di perusahaan yg notabene ber-merk internasional ternyata msh membeda-bedakan ras dalam memberikan pelayanan. Ataukah kemerdekaan yg telah kita raih lebih dari 64 tahun yang lalu masih menjadikan kita terjajah? Sudah merdekakah mental kita, bung?

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